"Pink Fatigue" Sets In During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Published on
October 17, 2011

ADD: Children as young as four can reliably be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, according to influential new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Shari Roan reports for the Los Angeles Times. The guidelines are likely to stir controversy among those who believe children are overdiagnosed and overtreated for the learning disorder.

Breast Cancer: NPR reports on "pink fatigue" amid the heavy marketing of Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Alzheimer's: In his blog for Esquire, journalist Charles Pierce excoriates the Obama administration's decision to drop long-term care coverage (CLASS) from the new health reform law. At risk are the nation's Alzheimer's patients (and Pierce's dad), expected to rise to 16 million by 2050.

Autism: Researchers have found that autism is far more common in low-birth-weight babies than the general population, raising the question of whether autism is linked to prematurely interrupted infant development or some of the medical interventions that keep preemies alive, Don Sapatkin reports for the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Medical Marijuana: The California Medical Association says marijuana should be legalized and studied for its potential medical benefits, even those benefits haven't yet been proven,  the Associated Press reports.

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