Daily Briefing: Smacking Down an Anti-Vaccine Article on Discovery's How Stuff Works Website

Published on
May 23, 2012

Vaccines: Time magazine reporter Bonnie Rochman details the backlash after a wildly inaccurate childhood vaccine article appeared on the Discovery Channel's popular How Stuff Works website.

Flame Retardants: After the Chicago Tribune published its groundbreaking investigation on flame retardants, calls for tougher regulation of the unhealthful chemicals are increasing around the country, Michael Hawthorne, Sam Roe, Patricia Callahan report for the newspaper.

Health Insurance: Cutbacks to employee health insurance plans are causing some workers to scramble for extra money to pay for medications and treatments that no longer are covered, Rob Stein reports for NPR.

Commuting: A new (not particularly surprising) study shows that long work commutes not only eat up hours of your day, they may take years off your life, Theresa Juva-Brown reports for the (Westchester, N.Y.) Journal News.

Health Reform: Small businesses are shunning health reform's tax breaks for providing health insurance to workers as too small and too confusing, Jose Pagliery reports for CNNMoney.

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