Caitlan Carroll
Caitlan Carroll is a Frankfurt-based multimedia journalist with an interest in business and culture. She has contributed articles and radio reports to the Global Post, National Public Radio, the BBC and the Wall Street Journal, among others. Caitlan researched demographics and healthcare trends in Germany as a 2010 Fulbright scholar and covered financial markets at Dow Jones Newswires in Frankfurt as part of the Robert Bosch Foundation's "Emerging Leaders" fellowship.
<p>It can be tough to remind a young diabetic to check their blood sugar 12 times a day, so drug maker Bayer has developed a new game to make the measurement less of a drag.</p>
<p>Marketplace's Caitlan Caroll and a few members of the staff tried to take the edge off with "downer drinks," non-alcoholic beverages that help you relax and unwind.</p>
<p>About 50 miles east of Los Angeles, Mira Loma, Calif. has a very active warehouse district and some of the worst air pollution in the country. Residents concerned for their health want to prevent more warehouses from cropping up.</p>
<p>End-of-life care is often the most expensive health care. Many people, when given the option, choose to opt out of experimental therapies and drugs as they approach death, but the current health care system structure incentivizes more care instead of less. So patients' wishes often get left out of the equation.</p>
<p>Medical training covers very little on how to confront dying and death with their patients and their families. Marketplace's Caitlan Carroll visits the San Diego Hospice and the Institute for Palliative Medicine, where they are training physicians on how to tailor care around patients' last wishes.</p>
<p>People go to the doctor to get better, but sometimes patients get new infections when they step inside a hospital. One hospital is trying to improve health by design.</p>