DVera Cohn
Senior writer
Senior writer
I write reports about demographics and social trends using Census and other data, as well as our own public opinion surveys. Before coming to the Pew Research Center, I also manage the center's All Things Census page (census.pewsocialtrends.org) and Twitter feed (@allthingscensus). I was a Washington Post reporter for 21 years, mainly covering demographics. I'm interested in how changes in immigration, family life, aging and other population patterns are reshaping society. These underlying trends also have a large impact on issues related to health care.
<p>Finding and analyzing data for your health stories can be daunting. The new "Health is Everything" e-book can help you do it right.</p>
<p>There’s hardly a health story out there that cannot benefit from some good data – from estimates of the number of elderly Americans to hospital quality ratings for your community.</p><p>This article will help you find useful databases and offer guidance on how to use them accurately. The first pa