Elaine Wong
Film Maker
Film Maker
For my fellowship project, I set out to answer as many possible questions and scenarios that might happen when the Affordable Care Act rolls out, in the hope of preventing some confusion later on.
Whether through the Medi-Cal expansion or Covered California's individual insurance plans, the Affordable Care Act will give the state's immigrant population more options for health care. But questions remain about how readily they will adopt the new options and if they can afford them.
The requirement to for individuals to buy health care is one of the most well-known mandates in the Affordable Care Act. However, there are also many other changes unknown to Chinese community.
Recent news about Chinese restaurant health and labor violations got this fellow's attention for a story idea about the health of their workers. Additionally, she plans to report on how well the restaurateurs are abiding by San Francisco's city-mandated health care provision.