Henry Neondo
Many of the diseases ravaging most parts of Africa are preventable, but a lack of resources and the right expertise have perpetuated the problem.
Although treating fevers helps in the fight against malaria, giving ACT without malaria diagnosis can portend disaster, a Kenyan health expert has said, warning that no African country should continue business as usual. Malaria continues to imperil millions of African lives.
Preliminary findings from the completed INTERSTROKE study, presented for the first time this week at the World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology, include new and important results. INTERSTROKE evaluates the importance of risk factors for stroke.
New data presented Monday at the World Congress of Cardiology in Melbourne, Australia shows a significant improvement in both patient adherence and risk factor control when patients at high risk of heart attack or stroke receive a polypill — a fixed-dose combination of drugs.
“Inspiring change” served as the 2014 International Woman’s Day (IWD) theme and for an African woman nothing could be as inspiring as a new study released in Nairobi, Kenya a week after the March 8, the day set aside to mark the IWD....