Katherine Stone
I write the most widely-read blog in the United States on postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis and other mental illnesses related to childbirth. Postpartum Progress is listed among the top 10 depression blogs on the web by PsychCentral.com, on Alltop Mental Health, and among the top 10 mental health blogs at Blogs.com. You can find me at http://postpartumprogress.typepad.com
<p>If you watch cable, it may have been hard to miss that this week was <a href="http://health.discovery.com/tv/baby-week/baby-week.html">Discovery Health channel's "Baby Week".</a> Like "Shark Week" on Discovery proper or "Croc Week" on Animal Planet, these programming spectacles are highly promoted and attract advertisers and eyeballs alike. As the writer of a blog on postpartum depression, my antennae went up when I heard one of the "Baby Week" specials would focus on postpartum depression. I knew a lot of moms would be watching, and wanted to make sure I tuned in to
<p>Last week yet another research study was released on the effectiveness of antidepressants. <a href="http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/short/303/1/47?home"><span style="color: #0000ff;">The study, published in the <em>Journal of the American Medical Association</em>, found that Paxil and Tofranil were about as effective as placebo for those people who have mild to moderate depression. </span></a></p>
<p>Terrifying headlines loomed last week about pregnancy and antidepressants. Did you see them?</p><p><a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20090926/hl_hsn/antidepressantslinkedtohear… Linked to Heart Defects in Newborns - Yahoo! Health</a></p><p><a href="http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/165698.php">Taking Antidepressants in Early Pregnancy Linked to Child Heart Defects - Medical News Today</a></p>