Daily Briefing: BPA-Free Sippy Cups, Contraception Politics and Fire Retardants

BPA: The FDA has banned the chemical bisphenol-A, commonly known by the acronym BPA, from baby bottles and sippy cups. The industry, which had stopped using the chemical in those products, had petitioned the FDA to formally ban it, reports Sabrina Tavernise for the New York Times.
Obamacare: Critics of the health law think that another court challenge could strike down another major portion of the legislation having to do with federal insurance exchanges, reports Julie Rovner for NPR.
Contraception Politics: A judge in Nebraska dismissed a challenge from seven states against the Obama Administration’s requirement that employers provide birth control coverage to their workers.
Fire Retardants: The EPA will study the toxicity of fire retardants used in furniture and asses their utility in preventing dangerous fires, reports Michael Hawthorne for the Chicago Tribune.
Medicaid: Now that states aren't required to expand Medicaid under health reform, some low-income people might fall through the cracks, Jordan Rau and Jenny Gold report for Kaiser Health News. Report says state Medicaid obligations are partly responsible for cuts in basic services such as law enforcement, Wall Street Journal/AP reports.
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