Daily Briefing: Romney's Individual Mandate Stance

Published on
July 5, 2012

Romney Tax: In an exclusive interview with CBS News' Jan Crawford, Mitt Romney said that after last week's Supreme Court ruling on the health care law, he accepts that the individual mandate in Obamacare is a tax. He has long maintained that the individual mandate that he put in place in Massachusetts is a penalty, not a tax, reports Martha Bebinger for WBUR and Kaiser Health News.

Medical Marijuana: Cannabis is spreading through nursing homes in Israel as that country accepts medical marijuana use, reports Lourdes Garcia-Navarro for NPR.

Zoonotic Disease: Thirteen diseases transmitted from animals to humans are responsible for 2.2 million deaths a year, a study has estimated. Most of the infections occurred in the developing world where there is more contact between humans and livestock. But researchers found hotspots in industrialized countries, where concentrated populations of animals can give rise to new diseases, reports Kate Kelland for Reuters.

Insurance Poll: A Gallup poll shows that in every one of the last few years, fewer Americans age 26 years to 64 years have received insurance through work, explains Elizabeth Mendes for Gallup.

Heart Meds: Half of all hospitalized heart patients made errors in taking their medication after they were discharged, according to a new study. Special counseling from a pharmacist didn’t seem to help, the research found. Two percent of those errors were considered life threatening reports Andrew Seaman for Reuters.

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