Eating Too Much Salt? Blame Your Bread, CDC Says

Published on
February 8, 2011

bread, salt, nutrition, reporting on health, Lap-BandNutrition: Eating too much salt? Blame your bread, not the chips. The CDC says that nine of 10 Americans eat too much salt and that bread and rolls top the list of culprits because they're often eaten more than once a day, David Beasley reports for Reuters. Other high-salt offenders include cheese, pizza, and cold cuts.  

Obesity: Two Southern California surgery centers associated with the 800-GET-THIN marketing campaign have stopped doing Lap-Band weight loss surgeries after allegations over safety, Stuart Pfeifer reports for the Los Angeles Times. Lap-Band maker Allergan recently announced it would stop selling the surgical device to clinics participating in the 800-GET-THIN program.

Teen Depression: After years of warnings that prescribing anti-depressants to kids and teens could increase their rate of suicide, a new analysis of more than 9,000 kids and teens on Prozac found no suicide increase compared to youths not on the drug, Alix Spiegel reports for NPR.

Birth Control: Despite official doctrine, a majority of Catholics say in a new survey that they support including birth control in health plans, a new requirement of health reform that the Catholic Church opposes, Niraj Warikoo reports for the Detroit Free Press.

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Photo credit: Ben Dalton via Flickr