El periodismo biomédico en la era 2.0 – publication from Barcelona international symposium

“El periodismo biomédico en la era 2.0″ is the title of a booklet based on presentations at a 2011 International conference in Barcelona which has now been published and is available online.
The website provides this background:
Approximately 4,000 layoffs and 70 closures of media organizations in 2012 alone. This is the bleak picture that currently faces journalists, according to the Federation of Journalists in Spain. These cutbacks in the media have also particularly affected biomedical journalists, a group that has traditionally been on the margins, who in recent years have witnessed a paradigm shift triggered by the explosion of the Internet.
In the new Esteve Foundation Notebook El periodismo biomédico en la era 2.0, edited in collaboration with the Pompeu Fabra University’s Observatory of Scientific Communication (OCC), ten information experts reflect on the challenges facing the biomedical journalist in this era of the Internet, probably one of the most significant changes faced by journalists in the entire history of their profession.
I was one of the speakers; pdf files of all the talks, including mine, “Is all published health care news actually newsworthy?” are available on the site.
Other speakers included:
- Vladimir de Semir, director of the Pompeu Fabra University’s Observatory of Scientific Communication in Barcelona
- Connie St Louis, Director of the Masters in Biomedical Journalism program at City University, London
- Holger Wormer of the University of Dortmund, who heads Mediendoktor.de, the German HealthNewsReview.
- Ana Macpherson from the science section of La Vanguardia newspaper
- Patricia Fernández de Lis once head of the science section of the now discontinued Público newspaper and now director of Esmateria.com
- Pablo Francescutti, director of Group for Advanced Studies in Communications at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid
- Paz Gómez, from the newspaper La Verdad in Murcia
- Milagros Pérez Oliva, from El País newpaper
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