Fight on Big Gulp, Ann Romney's Multiple Sclerosis and Fire Retardant Rule

Published on
July 2, 2012

Environmental Health: California is primed to do away with regulations that required the use of flame retardants in furniture. Experts now say the regulations were misguided and the chemicals may be causing side effects, such a breast cancer, reports Deborah Sullivan Brennan for the North County Times.

Food Fight: Soft drink makers are pushing back against New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s Big Gulp ban with workers on the sidewalk, social media, and lobbying, reports Michael Grynbaum for the New York Times.

Obamacare: Some Republican governors are indicating that they might not participate in the expansion of Medicaid, a move that could cost those state millions, reports Reid Epstein for Politico.

Ann Romney: Ann Romney's struggle with multiple sclerosis serves as a key element in news features today in the Wall Street Journal, the Tampa Bay Times and an interview on Fox News . Will her condition bring more attention to the disease? 

Radiation: Surfers are raising alarms about the health risks of nuclear power as Japan ponders its energy future, reports Mark Willacy for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

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