Food Safety: Just How Safe is that Bagged Salad?
Food Safety: Is your convenient bagged salad really safe to eat? Deborah Schoch goes in search of the perfect greens-cleaning process for the Los Angeles Times/CHCF Center for Health Reporting.
Depression: Researchers are testing ketamine, an anesthetic also known by the club drug crowd as "Special K" to see if it could quickly relieve major depression, Jon Hamilton reports for NPR.
Environmental Health: Health advocates are supporting new California state air quality rules that could cut air pollution levels by as much as 75 percent by 2025, Melissa Pamer reports for the Contra Costa Times.
HIV/AIDS: A new review of studies of the effectiveness of a saliva test in detecting HIV has found that the test is 99 percent effective in detecting the virus in a high-risk population, a rate comparable to the traditional blood test, Hans Villarica reports for the Atlantic.
FDA Whistleblowers: FDA doctors and scientists that have opposed some of the agency's decisions to approve medical devices as dangerous to patients have sued the federal agency alleging that their emails were secretly monitored, David Morgan reports for Reuters.
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