Health Media Jobs and Opportunities: Health Writing and Editing Openings Across the Country

Published on
August 22, 2013

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Job Listings

Writer/Editor, Vertical Health (via                                                        
Location: Montclair, NJ
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Print/Online

Project Corespondent, Kaiser Health News
Location: California
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Online/Print

Project Reporter, Kaiser Health News
Location: California
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Online/Print

Healthcare Writer, e.Republic
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Online

Healthcare Reporter, Ohio Newspaper                                                            
Location: Toldeo, OH
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Print/Online

Editor, The Catholic Health Association of the United States
Location: St Louis, MO
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Online/Print

Healthcare Reporter, The Bulletin 
Location: Bend, OR 
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Online/Print


Webinar for Journalists: What Do Consumers Need To Know About Health Reform Changes?, The Henry Kaiser Family Foundation From the website: As part of its Media Fellowships Program, the Kaiser Family Foundation is organizing a series of interactive webinars exclusively for journalists to address key aspects of the law, the implications for consumers, and strategies for connecting the dots for different audiences.
Deadline: August 28, 2013 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET
About: Foundation State Health Policy Director Jennifer Tolbert and Senior Fellow Karen Pollitz will explain the law's individual mandate requiring most Americans to obtain coverage, as well as the law's new coverage options, including new state insurance marketplaces, subsidies for people with low- and moderate-incomes, and new rules prohibiting insurers from discriminating based on pre-existing conditions.

Awards and Fellowships

Health & Criminal Justice Journalism Fellowship, The Center on Media, Crime and Justice
From the website: The Center on Media, Crime & Justice (CMCJ) at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice is organizing a unique fellowship program for journalists specializing in health care, criminal justice and related beats. The fellowship will give journalists an opportunity to explore in depth the health care challenges facing justice-involved populations and to examine the implications of the Affordable Care Act for these populations, their families and communities.
Deadline: September 9th, 2013, 11:59 pm ET
Requirements: The John Jay/Langeloth Reporting Fellowship will pay for selected reporters, columnists and editors to attend a two-day conference, “Health Behind Bars: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the US Justice System (and How to Report it)” in New York City on October 21-22, 2013. The conference will include meetings with leading policymakers and researchers, a field reporting visit, and skills assistance in developing and interpreting data and other resources. The fellowship also includes participation in a year-long online program aimed at developing a network of resources that can sustain and inform further reporting.

Call for Proposals on Global Health, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
From the website: We are seeking ambitious, enterprise reporting projects on global health and the future of the global development agenda. We are maintaining our ongoing interest in reproductive health, food security, sanitation, and HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. We are also looking for proposals that surface new or neglected issues and perspectives in global health.
Deadline: Rolling
Requirements: Proposals must include a credible plan for broad distribution of the resulting work. Applicants should demonstrate interest from editors or producers working in wide-reaching U.S. or European news media outlets. Letters from editors or producers who have worked with you in the past, and are interested in working with you again, are encouraged.