Health Media Jobs and Opportunities: Recognition for Socially-Conscious Journalism

This week, we feature a monthly opportunity to be recognized for your investigative stories that contribute to social awareness. Check out our new job and fellowship listings below. To keep up with the latest discussions on topics relevant to health journalists, follow Career GPS posts and job listings via RSS. To submit a job listing, send me an email at
Featured Award
Sidney Award, The Sidney Hillman Foundation
Eligibility: The Sidney is awarded monthly to a piece published in a magazine, newspaper, on a news site, or a blog in the United States. Television and radio segments broadcast in the United States are also eligible, as are published photography series.
Deadline: Deadlines are the last Friday of the month in which the piece was published/aired. In the case of magazines, please nominate according to the issue date on the publication, not when it first appeared.
From the Website: "For more than 50 years, the Sidney Hillman Foundation has awarded, annually, the prestigious Hillman Prizes in Journalism. In 2009, the Foundation inaugurated the Sidney, a monthly award for an outstanding piece of socially-conscious journalism. We are looking for commentary and investigative work in service of the common good."
New Job and Internship Listings
Executive Editor, NBC News Health (via Monster)
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full Time
Medium: Broadcast
Healthcare Writer/Editor, market research firm (via JournalismJobs)
Location: St. Louis, MO
Status: Full Time
Medium: Print, Other
Health Reporter,
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full Time
Medium: Online
Fellowships and Grants
Juvenile Justice Journalism Fellowships, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York
Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from journalists, editors and columnists from print, broadcasting or online media outlets, and from a variety of beats relating to juvenile and criminal justice.
Deadline: March 16, 2012
From the Website: "The Symposium will bring selected Fellows together with the principal players in the juvenile justice system, including juvenile justice practitioners, scholars, judges and other legal authorities, public officials, NGO leaders, activists, and former youth offenders for candid discussions, intensive briefings and roundtable dialogues on juvenile justice law and policy, and their impact on troubled youth."
The Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism, The Carter Center
Eligibility: Applicants must have at least three years of experience in print or electronic journalism (writing, reporting, editing, producing, filmmaking).
Deadline: April 16, 2012
From the Website: "The Carter Center Mental Health Program in Atlanta, GA provides six one-year fellowships for U.S. journalists to report on a selected topic regarding mental health or mental illnesses. The Fellowships are designed to increase accurate reporting on mental health issues and decrease incorrect, stereotypical information. Each journalist awarded will receive a $10,000 stipend."
SEJ 2012 Awards for Reporting on the Environment, Society of Environmental Journalists
Eligibility: Reporters who cover health, politics, science, energy, local government or any other beat are encouraged to enter their work on environmental subjects.
Deadline: April 2, 2012
From the Website: "SEJ's 10th annual journalism contest recognized outstanding environmental coverage in six categories, each with cash prizes. This year, SEJ has added a category for Photojournalism. Up to five photographs on one or more environmental topics, published between March 1, 2011 and Feb. 29, 2012."
The Endocrine Society Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism, The Endocrine Society
Eligibility: Open to all credentialed journalists in print (both "hard" and electronic) or broadcast.
Deadline: Contact Aaron Lohr:
From the Website: "The Endocrine Society Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism honors journalists for outstanding reporting that enhances public understanding of medical and science issues pertaining to the field of endocrinology."