Health Media Jobs and Opportunities: USC Annenberg Getty Arts Journalism Fellowship Program is accepting applications.
The Getty Arts Journalism Program fellowship, funded by The Getty Foundation seeks to assemble an all-star team of fellows committed to using their skills to imagine and create new and innovative ways of reporting on arts and culture. The team will consist of arts journalists, web designers and developers.
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Featured Opportunity
Getty Arts Journalism Program, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
Elegibility: “The program is looking for a team of fellows compiled of national and international arts journalists, web designers and developers. Most costs are covered by the fellowship, including air travel, hotel, transportation within the city and most meals. ”
Deadline:July 24, 2012
Location:Los Angeles, CA
How to apply: Electronic applications are available online. All interested applicants for 2012 must read the eligibility requirements before applying.
Details :“Applications are now open for an 11-day fellowship at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism in Los Angeles (November 8-18, 2012). The fellowship plans to design, develop and build a new project over the course of eleven days in a pop-up newsroom called Engine30.
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