Health Media Jobs and Opportunities: Work with community newspaper, plus other health journalism jobs available!

Published on
July 25, 2013

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Featured Opportunity

Editor, Boyle Heights Beat                                                            
Location: Alhambra, CA
Status: 25 hours a week
Description: Boyle Heights Beat, a bilingual quarterly newspaper produced by youth, seeks a freelance contributing editor to mentor a team of its youth reporters and to build a stable of adult community writers for its sister sites, and The contributing editor must be based in Los Angeles and have prior journalism experience, ideally in print. Fluent in spoken Spanish is strongly preferred, as many interviews and our outreach work will be conducted in Spanish.  Knowledge of the culture and politics of Latino Los Angeles are also pluses, as is experience mentoring or teaching youth. The contributing editor also will be involved in outreach efforts to connect with community leaders and to help organize events.   

Other Job Listings

Healthcare Reporter, POLITICO Pro                                                                 
Location: Washington D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Print/Online

Health Intern, U.S.News & World Report
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Print/Online/New Media

FierceHealthcare Editor, Fiercemarkets
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Print/Online

Content Producer-Health & Medical, KNBC                                                                       
Location: Burbank, CA
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Broadcast

Health Editor, Everday Health
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Online/Print

Writer, Modern Healthcare
Location: Chicago, IL
Status: Full-Time
Medium: Online

Awards and Fellowships

Call for Proposals on Global Health, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
From the website: We are seeking ambitious, enterprise reporting projects on global health and the future of the global development agenda. We are maintaining our ongoing interest in reproductive health, food security, sanitation, and HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. We are also looking for proposals that surface new or neglected issues and perspectives in global health.
Deadline: Rolling
Requirements: Proposals must include a credible plan for broad distribution of the resulting work. Applicants should demonstrate interest from editors or producers working in wide-reaching U.S. or European news media outlets. Letters from editors or producers who have worked with you in the past, and are interested in working with you again, are encouraged.