Health Media Jobs & Opportunities: Apply to be Yahoo Lifestyle's Health + Wellness Writer

Published on
August 25, 2017

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Job Listings  

Health + Wellness Writer, Yahoo Lifestyle (via
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Science Writer, Newsweek
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Deputy Science Editor, Newsweek
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Editor, St. Louis Public Radio
Location: St. Louis, MO
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Radio
Reporter, KCUR
Location: Kansas City, MO
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Radio
Reporter/Producer, OPB
Location: Portland, OR
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Broadcast
Reporter, WNPR
Location: Hartford, CT
Status: Full-Time, Two-Year-Grant-Funded Position
Job Type: Radio
Healthcare Data Journalist, AIS Health
Location: Remote
Status: Freelance
Job Type: Online
Feature's Editor, Men's Health
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Digital Health Writer/Editor, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Digital
Senior Health Reporter, Morning Consult
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Location: Harrisburg, PA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Broadcast
Health + Fitness Writer, The Cheat Sheet
Location: Remote
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Scientific Writer, City of Hope
Location: Duarte, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Creative Writer, HealthTap
Location: Palo Alto, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Health Editor, Buzzfeed
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Health Reporter, Tech Times
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Editor/Reporter, FDANews
Location: Falls Church, VA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Freelance Writer, Fitt
Location: Austin, TX
Status: Contracted to Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Part-time Health Editor, SmartBrief
Location: Remote
Status: Full-Time, Temporary
Job Type: Online
Breaking News Writer,
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online

Fellowships & Ongoing Education 

Information: The California Data Fellowship will take place October 25-28 2017. It introduces 10 competitively-selected California journalists to a wealth of data sources that can inform and elevate their health reporting. The all-expenses-paid program, funded with generous grants from the California HealthCare Foundation and The California Endowment, includes a $2,000 reporting stipend. 
Qualifications: This Fellowship is open to professional journalists from print, broadcast, and online media who are either based in California or who work for a national outlet that has a California footprint. The projects need to be primarily reported in California on topics of concern for Californians.
Deadline: September 5, 2017 

Initiative to Increase Diversity in Social Justice Investigative Reporting Grant, The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) and the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University
Information: IJ's Board of Directors looks for:  stories that break new ground and expose wrongdoing – such as corruption, malfeasance, or misuse of power – in the public and private sectors.. 
Qualifications: Information: FIJ encourages proposals written for ethnic media as well as those submitted by journalists of color. Grants average $5,000 but can be as high as $10,000. They cover out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, document collection, and equipment rental. FIJ also considers requests for small stipends.

Deadline: September 25, 2017