Health Media Jobs & Opportunities: New health care openings in Washington, D.C.

Published on
April 15, 2016

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Job Listings

Health Editor, Men's Health (via
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Healthcare Reporter, Politico Pro
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online

Healthcare Policy & Regulation Reporter, The Hill
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online

Healthcare Reporter, The Hill
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online

Health & Fitness Staff Writer, Thrillist
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Reporter - Health, Education, Criminal Justice, San Antonio Express-News
Location: San Antonio, TX
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

New York Bureau Cheif, Modern Healthcare
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Print

Health & Development Editor, What To Expect  (via
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Healthcare Reporter, Bloomberg News (via
Location: London, UK
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Health Care Reporters, Inside Washington Publishers
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Video Editor, WebMD
Location:  New York, NY
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Digital

Assistant Editor -  Science, Technology, and Health, The Atlantic
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Deputy Editor for Health & Environment, The GroundTruth Project
Location: Boston, MA
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Digital Media

Assitant Editor, Student Health 101
Location: Westborough, MA
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Features Editor, SELF Magazine
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Producer, CNN Health
Location: Atlanta, GA
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Broadcast

Reporter II-Environment, Health and Safety News, Bloomberg BNA
Location: Arlington, VA
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online

Health Reporter, Detroit Free Press
Location: Detroit, MI
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Assistant Editor, Men's Health
Location: Emmaus, PA
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Business of Healthcare Reporter, The Dallas Morning News
Location: Dallas, TX
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online/Print

Science & Health Reporter,
Location: United States
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Online

Community Editor, Center for Health Journalism
Location: Alhambra, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online

Fellowships & Awards

Ida B. Wells Fellowship, The Nation Institute's Investigative Fund
 The Nation Institute's Investigative Fund has launched an investigative fellowship for journalists of color. The one-year Ida B. Wells Fellowship will go to four journalists and offer $10,000 each, travel and reporting costs and the chance to work with an Investigative Fund editor.
 April 18, 2016

Jacque I. Minnotte Health Reporting Fellowship, Radio Television Digital News Foundation
 This award was created to honor former news director and Medstar executive Jacque Minnotte, who died in 1993. One $2,000 award will be presented to an outstanding audio, video, or digital/multimedia health reporter with fewer than 10 years’ journalism experience. Applicants can find out more and apply online at RTDNA’s website here. Winners of the Jacque I. Minnotte Health Reporting Fellowship are invited to attend the Excellence in Journalism conference. 
 May 31, 2016

2016 Price Child Health and Welfare Journalism AwardsChildren’s Advocacy Institute (CAI)
 The Price Child Health and Welfare Journalism Award, administered with the assistance of the Children’s Advocacy Institute (CAI), recognizes significant stories, series, or bodies of work that advance the understanding of, and enhance public discourse on, child health and well-being issues in California, including child health / health care reform; nutrition;child safety;child poverty; child care; education; child abuse; foster care; former foster youth / transition issues; juvenile justice; children with special needs, and others. All stories or series published by a major daily or weekly California newspaper from July 1, 2015—June 30, 2016 are eligible for nomination.
 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 8, 2016

Reproductive Freedom Fellow, The American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina (ACLU-NC) Legal Foundation
 The Reproductive Freedom Fellow will be focused on building a multi-racial base of activists and leaders prepared to publicly advocate on behalf of equitable access to full reproductive rights and justice.  Reproductive justice includes access to accurate information and a full range of health care services that includes both abortion and prenatal care, supports a person’s ability to make healthy reproductive decisions, and support a woman in going safely through her pregnancy. 
 Rolling basis until filled