Health Media Jobs & Opportunities: Reuters, POLITICO and UCLA Health are hiring

Published on
October 13, 2017

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Job Listings   

Medical News Journalist, Reuters
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
eHealth Reporter, POLITICO
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Senior Health Reporter, The Morning Consult
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Content Editor, UCLA Health
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Digital Editor, UCSF Health
Location: Brisbane, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Science, Health & Technology Reporter, 90.5 WESA
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Broadcast
Policy and Politics Correspondent, Kaiser Health News
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Public Health Writer/Editor, US Army
Location: Rockville, MD
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
News Reporter, University of Missouri Health Care
Location: Columbia, MO
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Grant Writer, Healthwise
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Science Editor, GIZMODO
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Editorial Copywriter, Fab Fit Fun
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Science/Health Editor, Group SJR
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
General Assignment Reporter, The Chronicle of Social Change
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Health Editor, Student Health 101
Location: Westborough, Massachusetts
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online

Health Information Writer - Intern, American Speacialty Health
Location: San Diego, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Healthcare Research Editor, IBM Watson Health
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Public Health Writer/Editor, Oak Ride Associated Universities
Location: Rockville, MD
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Editor, St. Louis Public Radio
Location: St. Louis, MO
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Radio
Reporter, KCUR
Location: Kansas City, MO
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Radio
Reporter, WNPR
Location: Hartford, CT
Status: Full-Time, Two-Year-Grant-Funded Position
Job Type: Radio
Scientific Writer, City of Hope
Location: Duarte, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Creative Writer, HealthTap
Location: Palo Alto, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Breaking News Writer,
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online