Health Media Jobs & Opportunities: USC needs experienced editors and news media pros

Published on
March 31, 2017

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Job Listings 

Health Intern, NY1 News
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time, Temporary
Job Type: Broadcast
Patient Education Writer, MedBridge
Location: Seattle, WA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Health Care Reporter, U.S. News & World Report (via
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Web Producer, Kaiser Health News
Location: Washington, D.C.
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Digital Health Editor, Rodale, Inc.
Location: Emmaus, PA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Environment/Health Reporter, Killeen Daily Herald
Location: Killeen, TX
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Senior Staff Writer, American Psychiatric Association
Location: Arlington, VA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Copy Editor, WebMD  
Location: New York, NY
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Location: Atlanta, GA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Location: Atlanta, GA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online
Health + Fitness Writer, The Cheat Sheet
Location: Remote
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Digital 
Health Reporter, The News Journal - USA Today
Location: New Castle County, DE
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print
Science & Health Writer, UC Merced
Location: Merced, CA
Status: Full-Time
Job Type: Online/Print    


Senior Editor, Capital Public Radio
Location: Sacramento, CA
Status: Full-Time 
Job Type: Broadcast

Fellowships & Educational Opportunities

Newsroom Specialist, University of Southern California - School of Journalism
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Information: As part of its USC Annenberg Leadership Initiative, the Annenberg School of Journalism is seeking media professionals with a diverse background and expertise for a yearlong fellowship. Fellows will have the opportunity to explore their journalism passions while building newsroom management skills. This is a one-year, grant-funded position that pays $70,000.
Deadline: April 14, 2017

The Journalists in Aging Fellow Program, The Gerontological Society of America
Information: The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and New America Media (NAM) are welcoming applications — from journalists who wish to cover aging issues and/or who work for ethnic media outlets serving U.S. communities — for the eighth year of their joint fellowship program. Support in 2017 is provided by grants from AARP, The Silver Century Foundation, The Commonwealth Fund, The Retirement Research Foundation, and The John A. Hartford Foundation.
Deadline: April 14, 2017