Less Universal, Less Care? Health Reform's Impact on "Healthy San Francisco" Experiment
San Francisco's unique program to provide universal access to health care to city residents may have to scale back to providing access only to the poor, Angela Hart reports for the San Francisco Public Press, which has covered the program in depth. The reason? National health reform is likely to serve the working and middle class patients that Healthy San Francisco has targeted as well as the poor. Hart writes:
the program could take a financial blow within the next two years as cities and counties adapt to national health reform. While thousands will get insurance, the federal law leaves some of the most vulnerable populations exposed and in need of care. Because fees are means-tested, that will reduce the income Healthy San Francisco earns from the patients themselves.
As patients who use Healthy San Francisco move to the national program, San Francisco's system starts to look more like a safety-net model. Yet, while medical experts and politicians say the city is unusually dedicated to caring for the needy, it could lose political support in the long run if middle-class users exit the program. As the "universal" moniker falls apart, the program could be more vulnerable to future budget cuts, say officials who have championed the program.
What's happening in your community as state and local agencies prepare for national health reform? Here are some resources for your reporting:
Reporting Resources:
Health Reform Story Ideas for 2012
Sarah Kliff's Story Ideas for Covering Health Reform in Your State
Your Safety-Net Hospital and Health Reform: Questions to Ask Now
2014 Is Coming Sooner Than You Think: New Ideas for Reporting on Health Reform's Rollou
Kaiser Family Foundation Health Reform Resource Page
Photo credit: Leonardo Pallotta via Flickr