Massive Children's Health Study Rolls Out in California, U.S.

Published on
June 13, 2011

Image removed.Children's Health: Sacramento is one of the sites for a massive federal study of children's health that's kicking off this year, Niesha Lofing reports for the Sacramento Bee. The study will follow 100,000 children from before they are born until they turn 21.

Asthma: Ugh. The number of cockroaches in a neighborhood could help explain the wide variation in asthma rates among children living in New York City, Alison McCook reports for Reuters. Neighborhood asthma rates range from 3 percent of children to 19 percent.

Health Policy: Politico's David Nather examines the five health questions to watch for in tonight's Republican presidential candidate debate in New Hampshire.

Patient Safety: Why doesn't Georgia require hospitals to report its infection rates and how do consumers fare as a result? Carrie Teegardin investigates for the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Emergency Medicine: The practice of diverting ambulances away from crowded emergency rooms to farther-away hospitals has been linked to higher death rates for heart attack patients, Karen Cheung reports for FierceHealthcare.

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