New Reality Show for "Medical Supernanny?"

Published on
September 21, 2010

Here's what we're reading today:

Kid Insurance: HHS chief Kathleen Sebelius may have called on states to get cracking on insuring more poor kids, but the states are responding: with what money? American Medical News has the story.

Dr. Reality: Dr. Douglas Farrago, a family doctor who edits the medical humor magazine Placebo Journal, becomes a kind of medical "super-nanny" in a proposed new reality show and gets a write-up in the New York Times.

Health Reform: The Incidental Economist's Aaron Carroll examines why health insurers are dropping new child-only policies in the wake of health reform, and he doesn't blame them one bit.

Alzheimers: The BBC looks at a new report by an international coalition of advocacy organizations that adds up the worldwide economic cost of treating Alzheimers. It's depressingly high.  

Bedbugs: Given the nationwide spread of bed bugs this year (or at least media coverage of them), could a summit be far behind? No! The sold-out meeting starts today near Chicago.