Nurses' Strike: Patient's Death Raises the Stakes of Hospital Labor Conflict

Nursing Strike: The medical error-related death of a 66-year-old patient during a nurses' strike at a Oakland, Calif. hospital has inflamed passions on both sides of the labor conflict, Sean Maher and Jeanine Benca report for the San Jose Mercury News.
Cancer Treatment: The cost of treating cancer is rapidly becoming unsustainable around the world, according to a new study in the journal Lancet Oncology. Could rationing of expensive treatments ultimately be the norm?
Antibiotics: A cool new interactive map tracks antibiotic resistance in the United States and Europe.
Bioterrorism: The hunt for countermeasures to bioterrorism weapons like anthrax has made progress, but not enough to satisfy some biodefense experts, Lauran Neergaard reports for the Associated Press.
Children's Hospitals: The largest children's hospitals have grown into powerful business empires, raising questions about their political power and rising health costs , reports Gilbert Gaul for Kaiser Health News.
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Photo credit: California Nurses Association