The Politics of Food Poisoning (Statistics)

Published on
December 21, 2010

Here's what we're checking out today:

Food Poisoning: If you missed this earlier, it's a must-read: Marion Nestle digs into the politics and science behind the CDC's recent statistics on food-borne illness.

Teen Moms: The teen birth rate has dropped to its lowest level in seven (!) decades, the CDC reports. Experts speculate that the recession and a drop in immigration may explain some of the drop, according to the Associated Press. You can find the CDC report here.

Health Reform: Health insurers will have to explain themselves to federal or regulators over any premium increases that top 10 percent, under proposed health reform regulations examined today by the New York Times' Robert Pear.

Too Much Care? BNET's Ken Terry examines some of the "serious obstacles to convincing both doctors and patients that less can sometimes be more." (Also check out our recent Q&A with Dr. Neel Shah of the Costs of Care project.)