Still Giving Your Toddler OTC Cold Medicine? New Survey Says Yes

Published on
February 15, 2011

Here's the latest in health and health journalism news from Reporting on Health.

Image removed.Children's Health: Three years ago, the FDA warned parents not to give children under 2 over-the-counter cough or cold medicine because of unwanted side effects, limited effectiveness, and the risk of overdose. The message apparently didn't get through, according to a small survey of parents that found more than half had given their toddlers the medicine in the past 12 months, Ed Silverman reports for Pharmalot.

Nutrition: Nice try, but no Happy Meal prize for the food police: listing calorie counts on fast food menus in New York City did little to convince kids, or their parents, to buy healthier meals, according to New York University researchers.

Heart Disease: The American Heart Association releases new heart disease guidelines for women, acknowledging that women are more likely to suffer strokes while men are more likely to have heart attacks, Jenifer Goodwin reports for HealthDay.

Mental Health: Are you a slow walker or more inclined to sidewalk rage? Researchers actually are getting paid to study the latter, reports Shirley S. Wang for The Wall St. Journal. (hat tip: NPR's Shots blog)

Substance Abuse: Rachel Dissell of the Cleveland Plain Dealer finds that it can be easier for opiate addicts to get their painkiller of choice than medicine that could help treat their addiction.

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Photo credit: Stacey Lynn Photography via Flickr