Study: Clean Cars = Better Health
Environmental Health: Tough new clean car standards and resulting cleaner air in California could lead to 8,075 fewer asthma attacks and other health benefits according to a new American Lung Association study, Rick Daysog reports for the Sacramento Bee.
Alternative Medicine: When all else fails, doctors increasingly are prescribing yoga and other alternative remedies for their sickest patients, Deborah Kotz reports for the Boston Globe.
Children's Health: A new study links perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical used to produce Teflon, to delayed puberty in children, Laura Cassiday reports for Chemical and Engineering news.
MRSA: Ugh. A small study finds that bedbugs may help spread the antibiotic-resistant superbug MRSA, Lena H. Sun reports for the Washington Post.
HIV/AIDS: A promising study of a new vaccine for SIV (the monkey version of the HIV virus) gives hope to the lagging search for an effective AIDS vaccine, Jon Cohen reports for the AAAS blog Science Now.
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