When health right becomes a nightmare

HIV + people cry foul over increase of user fees
People living with HIV and the civil society thronged the streets of Mutare as they marched in a bid to present their petition to the Manicaland Provincial Minister Mandi Chimene to see into the Mutare municipality clinic’s consultation fees that were increased .
According to the Municipality schedule consultation fees were increased from $2 to $9, ambulance fee is now $15 from $5 and maternity fee is now $35 from$15.
Director of Family Aids Support Organisation (FASO), Casper Pound who led the march from Sakubva high density to Government complex said the increase of user fees was a denial to the right of health.
“There is poor health service delivery we are failing to access routine viral load tests, cd4 counts and there is shortage of staff in the clinics.
This is a plea for government to unfreeze posts and increase nurses and medical personals so that we access our routine services,” said Pound.
He added that the move to increase user fees does not address the right to health as enshrined in the constitution of Zimbabwe.
“We feel denied of our right to health .They did not consult us to hear our views over the increase of the fees . It is not only people living with HIV that will be affected.
Pregnant mothers will resort to giving birth in unregistered facilities thereby increasing maternal mortality. People living with HIV will definitely default on their medications .It’s a time bomb ready to explode because we will not achieve the 2015 World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines,” said Pound.
Aids Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA), Senior Provincial Community Health Advocate Mr .Padson Sazunza said he sympathize with the population of Mutare as it is well known that the majority of the population lost their jobs due to the harsh economic conditions and those that are going to work and not getting paid .
“The move taken by the ci is going city council of Mutare is going to reverse some of the few achievements reached towards the millennium development goals.
Millennium developmental goal MDG number four to reduce child mortality, MDG number five to improve maternal health and MDG number six to combat HIV, Tuberculosis, and other diseases,”said Sazunza.
He added that the increase of the user fees has a negative impact on the principles of primary health care that clearly states that primary care should accessible, available, affordable, and acceptable and appropriate.
“In this scenario not many will access and afford health services .Yes we bear with the City Council in these times of hardships but we can end up being the proverbial mouth that eats itself.
There should be a way around to relieve the already burdened residents we are going to see an increase in home delivered babies and deaths,” he said.
Sazunza further said that unregistered HIV positive mothers have a risk of passing on the virus to their babies.
“Increase in HIV infected babies will increase at birth, labour and breastfeeding.
The move will also trigger an increase in ART defaulters as patients will not be able to raise consultation fees,” he said.
We are taking the opportunity to educate people about the new guidelines which allow people to be put on ART, once they test positive without having to wait for their CD-4 count to go below 500,” she said.
Eugene Mafokoyo said she started her ART medication in 2007 and has never had a problem accessing them until the day user fees were increased.
“I have been living positively taking my medication on time .We are suffering as it is l cannot afford $9 for me to collect ARV’s.
What shall l do now because me ,my husband and baby are living positively how should l raise money for three people whenever l want to go and take our ARV’S,” she said .
Mutare Mayor Tatenda Nhamarare said they have since slashed consultation fees at council clinics so that everyone can access health facilities.
“We have reduced consultation fees to $5 from $9 and for children aged five years and below do not pay anything,” said Nhamarare.