
You learn a lot when you spend months reporting on a given issue or community, as our fellows can attest. Whether you’re embarking on a big new story or seeking to go deeper on a given issue, it pays to learn from those who’ve already put in the shoe leather and crunched the data. In these essays and columns, our community of journalists steps back from the notebooks and tape to reflect on key lessons, highlight urgent themes, and offer sage advice on the essential health stories of the day. 

By Peter Byrne

I am reporting a story for the Point Reyes Light on how breast cancer researchers create non-existent cancer clusters from California to Long Island. The story is supported by Fund for Investigative Journalism. We have launched a Kickstarter campaign that explains the nutgraph of the investigation.

By Kellie Schmitt

As Medicare makes a big push towards paying providers based on value rather than volume over the next few years, Accountable Care Organizations will be expected to start making good on their promise to cut costs and improve quality of care. But so far, their track record has been rather mixed.

By Sue Luttner

The shaken baby debate picked up in early February with a pair of important and complementary postings, a bold academic statement signed by 34 physicians, attorneys, and child-protection professionals with “deep concerns” about shaking theory in the courtroom.

By William Heisel

If you're a health reporter looking for story leads and enriching details, consider ditching the office and heading down to the courthouse. Chances are good that if you are covering a health care entity with business history, it also has a court history. A few tips can help get you started.