
You learn a lot when you spend months reporting on a given issue or community, as our fellows can attest. Whether you’re embarking on a big new story or seeking to go deeper on a given issue, it pays to learn from those who’ve already put in the shoe leather and crunched the data. In these essays and columns, our community of journalists steps back from the notebooks and tape to reflect on key lessons, highlight urgent themes, and offer sage advice on the essential health stories of the day. 

By Angilee Shah

<p>This year's <a href="… Health Journalism Fellows</a> are pursuing stories important to communities. They're investigating air quality, the on-the-ground effects of health care reform and children's health, and asking important questions about how neighborhoods can be healthier. Here's a quick rundown of some of their projects, with links to their own blog posts so you can learn more, comment and offer ideas.</p>

By R. Jan Gurley

<p>San Francisco and the Bay Area is, in many ways, a microcosm of much of America. As a metaphor for the extremes of environmental wealth and poverty in America today, you can walk 10 short San Francisco blocks from 6th and Market to 1001 Taylor Street. In that short distance, your walk spans the divide between&nbsp;an area where&nbsp;homeless men lie in igloos of wool blankets as urine trickles down a crack in the sidewalk,&nbsp;up to where&nbsp;Grace Cathedral's soaring&nbsp;Ghiberti Doors, known as the gates of paradise, open over Nob Hill.

By Tracy Wood

<p>For the first time, this fellowship gives me the opportunity to do a health story right.</p> <p>Health issues usually mean big trouble when it’s breaking news or an investigative story.</p> <p>Agent Orange. Ebola virus. West Nile. H1N1. In their time, viruses, pesticides and other causes of sudden, mass illnesses have forced all of us who cover the news to drop what we’re doing and take a crash course in an unexpected health crisis.</p>

By Hillary Meeks

<p>When my 2-year-old son has to see a doctor for his eyes or ears, I plan to take at least a half a day off work, if not a full day. Between the hours-long wait in the overcrowded specialists’ offices and the time it takes to travel to another county, our time is eaten away because these doctors are so few and far between in the San Joaquin Valley. That’s the mantra of Tulare County and health care. There aren’t enough doctors to go around, specialist or otherwise.

By Douglas Fischer

<p>Environmental health reporting sheds light on some of the most important decisions a person can make – about their health, their ability to have children, the health of their children, the health of their world. But first you have to get the story right.</p>

By Pauline Bartolone

<p>A painful irony exists in California’s agricultural heart: farm workers, far too often, don’t have access to the fruits of their own labor.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>I thought about this irony, more than a year ago, when I first read about the massive drought relief food give-aways in the San Joaquin Valley. In recent years, demand at the food bank in Fresno County has increased four-fold. The State of California has spent millions on food aid to the region. And hunger is hitting a new set of people.&nbsp;</p>

By Shelley Levitt

<p>They are neighborhoods where a wilting head of lettuce costs two or three times as much as a dollar meal. Where fast-food spots litter the landscape but the nearest supermarket is miles away. "Shopping local" in these communities means buying food at a convenience store or a gas station where limited shelf life restricts choices to calorie-dense, highly processed foods with little nutritional value. Fried food abounds; fresh food is near impossible to find.</p>