Reconnecting with a healthy lifestyle: Replacing soda with water

Through a fellowship with the USC Annenberg-Center for Health Journalism, we travel to LA and look at a program, which is helping ensure babies and parents are safe, healthy, and at the same time connecting them to other Native Americans in the big city.

Other stories in the series include:

Native comedian says exercise helps him both physically and mentally

Native health advocate creates ways to promote wellness

Health and wellness: the indigenous way

November 3, 2017 – One way to address high obesity rates in Native American communities is to encourage families to drink less soda and more water. The STAR school near Leupp, Arizona is offering several incentives for students to swap out water for sugar-sweetened beverages. Correspondent Antonia Gonzales and producer Sarah Gustavus traveled to the Navajo Nation recently to examine how a lack of access to water in many homes influences beverage choices and what might be done to increase water consumption among young people.

[This story was originally published by newmexico PBS.]