Rebekah Cowell
Investigative Freelance Social Justice Journalist
Investigative Freelance Social Justice Journalist
Rebekah L. Cowell is a North Carolina-based investigative journalist who focuses on low-income, minority communities that abut hazardous waste facilities and have no platforms to voice their concerns about diseases related to pollution exposure. She is currently working on a six-part environmental justice series underwritten by a George Polk Grant for Investigative Reporting.
<p>In Orange and Guilford counties, neighbors fight landfill expansions</p>
<p>Residents endure legacy of old Chatham County landfill</p>
<p>The people of Lincoln Heights live among three city dumps. This is the story of their war on trash.</p>
<p>How an enormous wastewater treatment plant wound up near a small town's historic district.</p>