
Sergio Flores



My name is Sergio Flores and I am a reporter for Univision 19 out of Sacramento;  I worked as a reporter for NBC and as an anchor for Telemundo in Bakersfield, Ca.; In El Centro I reported for CBS and for the Imperial Valley Press and the Border Business Journal.

I was born in Mexico but pretty much grew up on both sides of the border.  My parents were farmworkers and as a teenager I worked in the tomato fields with them for a couple of years.

I have really enjoyed what has been my journalism career and I look forward to being a part of Reporting on Health.


Tonight's keynote speaker Gregory Warner has opened my eyes to a different way of reporting.  It broke away from the tradition "personalizing" a story by including views from officials, experts, and even innamite objects.  Very interesting to me and I look forward to applying this approach....