Expert in content management and strategy, cross-platform zealot, avid user and champion of social media.

I'm a digital media specialist with more than 12 years of experience working with a variety of traditional and non-traditional media outlets. I'm a skilled user and avid champion of social media. 

As the Internet and Social Media Strategist for the Stanford School of Engineering I'm responsible for formulating and executing a comprehensive web and social media communications strategy.  

As an internet marketing manager for Lucasfilm, I helped launch LucasArt's first social media campaigns on Twitter and Facebook. Before moving to San Francisco, I was innovations project manager for E.W. Scripps Newspaper Interactive in Knoxville, Tenn. where I helped develop business plans and content strategies for new web initiatives. As multimedia manager for MSN Money in New York I worked with a team of multimedia journalists to design and produce a series of multimedia stories. I have worked as a content producer for CBS Interactive and SFGate. 

I earned a BS in Business/Information Systems from the University of Phoenix and attended graduate school at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Kansas where I helped design the school’s Stauffer Multimedia Newsroom. 

I served on the SF State Humanities Technology Committee and I frequently attend Hacks and Hackers meetups. I'm an active member of the Online News Association (ONA), and a founding member of the Intercollegiate Online News Network (ICONN). 


<p>It’s easier to engage with an audience when you're part of their community, but focusing your efforts is key. Here are six tips to help you take a more audience-centric approach to story telling.</p>