Stephanie Stephens
Freelance health journalist
Freelance health journalist
Stephanie is a journalist and multimedia content producer who has contributed to a long list of trade, custom and consumer publications, both print and digital. She is also a radio and television host and news anchor and producer. Steph also produces accompanying audio podcasts and videos for her clients.
Her health and healthcare writing has appeared in bp (bipolar) magazine, Schizophrenia Magazine, Anchor Magazine (depression), esperanza (anxiety and depression) magazine, AARP Bulletin, Web MD, Momentum (MS), Neurology Now, Heart Insight, PT in Motion (APTA), Arthritis Today, Spirit of Women, Sky, Southwest Airlines’ Spirit, Lupus Now, HemAware, on, Scripps Networks Interactive and many more. She is the California HealthCare Foundation’s Los Angeles/Orange County correspondent for its Healthline policy publication. She’s a weekly health contributor to, having interviewed 120 celebrities and providing current health tips.