Sue Cross
My consultancy, Cross Strategy, works with both media companies and causes to bring attention to health, environment and related issues and develop the revenue to get important information to the public. I bring to this work more than 20 years of involvement in health journalism as reporter, editor, digital media product and business development executive, most recently as an SVP of the global news agency Associated Press. I am passionate about the importance of health journalists-- and continually awed by the work of the fellows! Chairing the advisory board for this CalEndow program since its inception and serving on the digital advisory board have been an honor. To give you a little better sense of my experience in health journalism, it included covering health and medical issues of immigrants, environmental health, urban medical care, and expanding AP's coverage of medical studies while serving as news editor in Chicago. While bureau chief in Los Angeles I expanded our cross-boarder coverage of immigrant health and wellness. Today I continue to work with media, nonprofits and corporations to support excellent coverage and communications of health, environment and innovative solutions.
For fellows looking to ensure the communities they cover have a voice in and a chance to act on important stories and issues, there is food for thought in @Janschaffer's Neiman post on the hey day of civic journalism.