
Syreeta Nolan

Underrepresented Student Officer

Syreeta Nolan is a disability advocate at University of California San Diego majoring in Psychology with a Specialization in Human Health. She serves as Underrepresented Student Officer for the University of California Student Association and co-founded UCSA’s Disability Ad Hoc Committee that will be pursuing non-profit status to expand their mission to disabled students, faculty, staff and alumni. She is also the co-founder of Disabled in Higher Education on Twitter which is planning for the whole month of February to be Black Disabled Empowerment in Higher Education Month on Twitter. Follow this movement @DisInHigherEd and her @nolan_syreeta. Syreeta identifies as a Black, Disabled, bisexual woman and her lived experiences have informed her advocacy goals along with her career goals. She hopes to go to graduate school for Health Policy and Management towards her goal of transforming the mental health field through comprehensive preventive systems similar to what we have in our physical health system.


Syreeta Nolan's life as a disabled student with multiple chronic illnesses was complicated before the pandemic. Once COVID-19 hit, delays in care, lack of academic accommodations, and exclusion from California's vaccine priority guidelines made things more difficult.