
Tammy Worth

A freelance health and business reporter who writes for publications including the Los Angeles Times,, The Economist, and the American Journal of Nursing.


When Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced his intention to ban the sale of sodas larger than 16 ounces at some establishments in New York City, it caused a huge kerfuffle. Among all of the craziness of the debate, I couldn’t help but wonder whether or not this kind of policy really makes a difference.

A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that primary care medical homes may actually increase operating costs, instead of producing the cost savings touted by their proponents. This study, I think, is a cautionary tale as health reform moves ahead.

Arguably the most unexpected aspect of the Supreme Court’s Affordable Care Act decision was its reversal of the mandatory expansion of Medicaid. Martha King of the National Conference of State Legislatures provides some tips on how to track this unfolding landscape.

Michael Felberbaum covered business for the Associated Press in Richmond, Va., as one of his biggest subject matters -- Circuit City -- went under. When the Richmond-based company declared bankruptcy in 2007, Felberbaum began looking more closely at the tobacco industry.

Over the next couple of weeks, the Public Library of Science is publishing a series of eight articles looking at the health impact of “Big Food,” which they define as “the multinational food and beverage industry with huge and concentrated market power.”...