SweSwe Aye, Myanmar Gazette
Genoa Barrow, Sacramento Observer
Danielle Bergstrom, Fresnoland Lab, and Maria Ortiz-Briones, Vide en al Valle
Ariel Boone, KPFA and Street Spirit
Eli Cahan, Medscape and WebMD
Danielle Chiriguayo, KCRW
Emily DeRuy, San Jose Mercury News and Bay Area News Group (BANG)
Darlene Donloe, The Wave
Christopher Egusa, KALW
Carly Graf, San Francisco Examiner
Olga Grigoryante, Los Angeles Daily News and Southern California News Group (SCNG)
Angela Johnston, KALW
Arcenio Lopez, Los Angeles Times and The Fresno Bee
Abraham Marquez and Zaydee Sanchez, Palabra
Kate Maxwell and Dana Ullman, The Mendocino Voice
Laura Place, Santa Maria Times
Srishti Prabha, India Currents
Kelly Puente, Long Beach Post
Sonja Sharp, Los Angeles Times
Taylor Walker, WitnessLA