Elizabeth Varin
Web Reporter
Web Reporter
I am a web reporter at Abderdeen American news. Previously, I was a staff writer with the Imperial Valley Press, a county-wide newspaper covering a large portion of the U.S./Mexico border in California.
Specifically my beat covered the Imperial Irrigation District, one of the largest irrigation districts in the nation, as well as agriculture, renewable energy and Naval Air Facility El Centro. While this doesn't appear to be related to health (quite frankly that part of my beat is not), I had in the past covered Imperial County government, including our public health department, the two area hospitals and a variety of health issues.
Elizabeth Varin wrote this story for The Imperial Valley Press as a 2011-12 California Endowment Health Journalism Fellow.
Elizabeth Varin wrote this story for the Imperial Valley Press as a 2011-12 California Endowment Health Journalism Fellow.
<p>Theoretically, Imperial Valley should be one of the healthiest areas of the nation if you look at food production. With a more than $1 billion agriculture industry growing almost anything under the sun, including artichokes, bamboo shoots, citrus, hay, leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, and more than 100 other types of crops, residents should have a nearly unlimited supply of fresh fruit, vegetables and meat, leading to a health community.</p>