53206 is Wisconsin's most incarcerated ZIP code. Here are 4 more facts about the Milwaukee neighborhood.

Here are five fast facts about 53206:

1. A 2013 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee study found it was the most incarcerated ZIP code in the state, with a majority of its men having spent time in jail or prison. Experts say little has happened since to suggest the ranking has changed. 

2. A third of Milwaukee's 2,940 vacant lots are located in 53206.

3. Two-thirds of the children in 53206 live in poverty, compared with 42 percent of all children 18 and under city-wide. 

4. Nearly 95 percent of its residents are black. No other ZIP code has a greater percentage of African Americans.  

5. Residents received the lowest rating for health outcomes from the Center for Urban Population Health in 2009. The rating was based on access to quality healthcare; health behaviors; physical environment; poverty and education.

[This story was originally published by Journal Sentinel.]