The closed Sakura ICF remains empty years after evicting elderly residents for unrealized housing plans, sparking outrage over Keiro's 2016 sale of senior care homes to Pacifica.
Community Safety
San Diego County boasts roughly three water vending machines per 10,000 people — more than nearby Riverside, Orange and Los Angeles counties.
San Diego's water vending machines cluster in low-income areas. Inspections are rare, and some studies have found bacteria issues.
Voice of San Diego mapped water vending machines in San Diego, comparing their density to demographics like poverty, education, race, renters, and citizenship to analyze disparities in access.
Food insecurity affects farmworkers at higher rates than the general U.S. population, and it can increase their risk of suffering from several chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity, particularly among women. Farmworkers often have to choose between healthy food and medication.
Despite Medi-Cal expansion to allow all immigrants, regardless of immigration status, to qualify for health care coverage, some undocumented Koreans are leery of signing up and those who do face long wait times.
A reporter learns to challenge stereotypes and let communities guide stories in order to produce better, more respectful journalism.
A reporting team turns to makes use of silicone wristbands that can detect up to 75 types of pesticides to gauge farmworkers' exposure to toxic chemicals.
Hazel Su is one of several hundreds who have migrated from Myanmar to the Bay Area to seek political asylum to resettle in the U.S. As an asylum seeker, Su is so focused on paying living expenses and helping family back home that she doesn't prioritize her own health. Despite learning about Medi-Cal covering people like her, Su finds that her options are too confusing to navigate and there are not enough community workers who can help.
A mini-interview with Sunny, a neatly dressed Korean American who lives on the street after he lost his job.