
Henrik Rehbinder

Opinion Columnist

Henrik Rehbinder is an Argentine/Uruguayan journalist living in Los Angeles since 1980.  For the past 30 years Henrik has served the Latino community through his work at La Opinion, the country’s largest Spanish-language daily newspaper. Henrik began at La Opinion as a staff writer and ultimately was the paper’s Editor of the Opinion section, writing the house editorials for over a decade.  Henrik’s articles, analysis and opinion pieces have been quoted widely in Spanish and English media outlets,  He is sought after as a current events and political analyst, particularly in areas related to local, state and national politics.  He also brings a deep understanding of how policy and politics impact the country’s diverse Latino community. 

Henrik has been a regular commentator on Telemundo’s “Contrapunto,” has made guest appearances on Los Angeles KCRW and KPFK radio, and appeared on Jorge Ramos’ Al Punto .  He has also published in the Columbia Journalism Review, El Puente Latino, and Hispanic Trends MediaWatch, and The Mass Media and Latino Politics (Subervi-Velez, 2008)

Henrik has received awards for his work, including the Hispanic Media 100 Award (2001), a 2006 award from Planned Parenthood for his editorial “Proposicion 73 Olvida lo Principal” and the 18th Annual GLADD Award for coverage and editorials.  He has participated in the Pew Civic Journalism workshop, the Poynter Institute Leadership for Editors and other national and international professional development opportunities.
