Josh Goldstein
Director, Brand Strategy Communications
Director, Brand Strategy Communications
I am currently the director of brand strategy communications at the American Association for Cancer Research.
Previously, I was a reporter covering health care at The Philadelphia Inquirer since 1998, first on the business desk and for the last four years as a member of the health and science team at the paper. My focus is health care quality, patient safety, clinical care and hospitals. In 1996, I joined the Knight Ridder Washington Bureau where I covered the financing of the presidential and congressional campaigns. Prior to that I was research director at the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington D.C. and was the author of a number of books and monographs on money and politics. I'm 42-years-old and a graduate of the University of Chicago. I currently live in West Philadelphia with my wife Laura Line and three-and-a-half year old daughter Josie Grace and five-month-old daughter Marietta.
<p style="text-align: left;"><em>Follow the money</em>. That simple phrase – though never uttered by Bob Woodward’s most famous source – has propelled countless reporters to dig deeply into all manner of news stories.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">And nearly four decades after Woodward and Carl B