Kevin Forestieri
Staff Writer
Staff Writer
When I set out early this year to uncover gaps in mental health care services in one Bay Area county, I was utterly unprepared for just how deep the problems ran.
With an early $50 million in government funding, Tanti and his organization, Headspace, would spend the next decade creating a network of 100 mental health centers serving 355,000 people throughout the country, each one with its own personality.
Families seeking mental health support for children are beset on all sides by challenges, whether it's difficulty finding the right kind of help or finding out there is no help within 50 miles. Parents who are uninsured, on Medi-Cal or have commercial insurance face unique problems.
Despite a tragic series of well-publicized suicides among current and recently graduated high school students in Santa Clara County, youth mental health care services remain sparse in the region.