Mental Health

Living in uncertainty, many Vietnamese immigrants, both undocumented and legal residents, face significant mental health challenges that stem from the complex interplay of historical trauma and fears of deportation. Lan Vũ and her son, Anh, struggle to cope with stress and anxiety over their immigration status ever since the new administration took office.

Mental Health

Foreign-born Latinas are at greater risk for postpartum depression than the general population and are less likely to receive treatment due to cultural and language barriers, among other factors. When Stephany Coronado suffered from depression after the birth of her daughter, she was worried she would be perceived as weak or a bad mother. Her story highlights why many Latina mothers are afraid to speak up or ask for help.

Mental Health

Thousands lost their homes in the January 2025 Los Angeles fires, among the deadliest and most destructive wildfires in California History.
Losing one's home, belongings, and community, along with the threat to personal safety and the safety of loved ones, can have a major impact on survivors' mental health. Studies show higher rates of PTSD, depression, and anxiety, which can last for years.

Environmental Health, Climate Change, Mental Health

Sonoma County’s Mobile Support Team aids crisis cases, but systemic gaps leave issues unresolved. Without stronger social services, crisis teams provide only temporary relief.

Mental Health