Linda Perez
Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Coordinator
Born and raised in Bogota, Colombia. Linda is an award-winning journalist and now copywriter for a local advertising agency targeting the Hispanic market. She moved to Atlanta in 2003 and has worked at different media outlets, including Mundo Hispánico, the largest Hispanic newspaper in the state of Georgia. As an education and health reporter, she is very aware of the different issues that Latino families face in the state. Linda has a Master's Degree in Communications from Georgia State University. She is also a flamenco dancer.
<p>A group of 30 end-stage renal patients of Grady Memorial Hospital, in Atlanta, face death as their dialysis treatment is scheduled to be cut soon. Many of these patients are undocumented Latino immigrants who do not have insurance and do not qualify for public benefits. Their immigration status has been a barrier to find alternative care and they are running out of options.</p>