Is E-Health really the way forward?

Published on
January 24, 2011

We're back from a weekend with the California Health Journalism Fellowships. Learn what they learned at The Fellowships Blog -- with story ideas about children's health, a slum housing tour, a lesson in epigenetics, and ways to make your writing great.

Here are some other things we are reading today:

E-Healthy? Katherine Hobson at the Wall Street Journal's Health Blog reviews a study about the benefits (or lack of benefits) of digitizing health care.

#hcsmanz: Twitter fans, Croakey blogger Melissa Sweet provides a rundown and links to a chat about health organizations' use of social media. Mine the post for ideas, new people to follow and an ongoing discussion. Get more Twitter and social media tips from the archives of Career GPS.

"The word's final assault": Pakistan is trying to eradicate the last vestiges of polio. Declan Walsh reports from Karachi for the Guardian.