Monday Catch-Up: Too many journalists and not enough vaccinated children
Catch up with stories you might have missed over the weekend and share what you're reading in comments:
Job Hunting: Having trouble finding work? Is it possible that there are there just too many journalists? Frédéric Filloux at Monday Note takes apart and visualizes data from a Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development report about the news industry. Or, according to Record Searchlight reporter Ryan Sabalow, "If you're an MD in California, you might want to consider opening a marijuana clinic."
The Hardest Thing: Miller-McCune tells the story of a nonprofit organization offers an unusual gift to parents of babies who die at or shortly after birth.
Whooping Cough: If you read Andrew Resignato's post from last year, you might feel some déjà vu. There is an epidemic in California, but some parents still refuse to vaccinate.
Far East: China's grand plans to prevent water shortages meets the realities of polluted waterways, from the Guardian's Environment Blog.